Our nation is run by two parties, Democrats and Republicans. Our County is predominately Republican. A well known fact in Barry County, if you want to win, you need to be a Republican.
Are we putting the right person in office or just an party affiliation? If a person can say hey I am a Republican just to win, then what are these parties truly for? I understand the core values of each party, but does that party affiliation run the canidate after they are in office, no. Should we as voters be more concerned with the persons values? Should we not be concerned with answers to questions pertaining to our beliefs?
After they are in office what makes them accountantable for their actions? Yes we as voters can do a recall, but if voter turn out is low, how many people do you think will bother with a recall? I think voter turn out is low not because of cold, rain, transportation, but lack of interest in who is on the ballot. I know personally I stare at the ballot and think who are they and what do they believe. Many times there are names I have not heard or read about. As long as there is not a huge scandal we stick with who is doing the job, simply for us it is more convienant.
Most offices are 4 year terms. That is four years we as voters are handing the running of a department over. A department that our taxpaying money is running. Why are we not more concerned with this rather than whose is Demcratic or Republican?
Democrat or Republican it is just a label and nothing more.
Winter, 2015-2016
8 years ago