Friday, April 18, 2008

City Clerk- Harassment or not

If the accusations are true about the City Clerk do you feel this is harassment, who is responsible for the City Clerks actions, and should he resign?

Although it is not sexual harassment I believe what he did, and does is harassing employees. I think he should have been written up and disciplined from the start. I think productivity is lost when employees feel they are walking on glass. Many times people with power abuse and degrade those that work under them. How can they feel this will create loyalty and increase productivity? I am sure most people if they had a choice would quit. In these times of economic woes who could afford that. The City Counsel should move swiftly on this. One time is one time to many.


agnosticrat said...
I think the attorney general would be the person to call if there is no resolve from the City Manager. The city government is absolutely not a place to allow this to happen.

Also- Welcome to the internet. I look forward to reading your posts.

lonevoice said...
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agnosticrat said...

What makes you think, or feel that counseling is enough in this case? It sounds like there is a long pattern from what I hear.
Your thoughts on this case being contrived only shows that you have no respect for the employees in this matter. Kind of sad that you would twist the misfortunes of others into a personal attack, but there is no surprised expression on my face.

lonevoice said...
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le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

Three years of written complaints is not one instance. The local paper and the local radio show have reported on it. The local paper did not write the complaints the employees of the City did. If the City sent the City Clerk to counseling, and he then continued to go down the same path it would be obvious this person neither respects his workers nor his employer.

It is like a child, you let them take that inch they will go a mile. He was allowed by the Cities non response actions and it got worse. If you think the other lawsuits cost us money what do you think the one these employees will soon file will be?

If more citizens took action, by being involved with the local politics, alot of the things that go unnoticed could not happen anymore.

agnosticrat said...

Written? Complaints.
What kind of management is that? To simply have written proof of actions taken by management?
Like overtime payouts?
I am sure T.S. with his years of "dealing with the reality of employees" will tell you such a thing is nonsense!

lonevoice said...
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le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...


I had asked a few simple rules for the blog. ONE issue per post. I will not let this turn into a circus. My very first post asked for ideas for post. If you would me to create I will, and your issue can be discussed there. Otherwise I will delete comments that do not pertain to the post.
This post is about the City Clerk. Now I ask nicely, please stay on that topic.


The written complaints were from employees who the City Clerk made what they deemed inappropiate. The local paper obtained those, and published some. They did not create them. The paper is not at fault for the actions of others. Several years, from what I understand there were complaints made. This was not a one time occurence.

agnosticrat said...

Sorry Bebe, I was being snarky.
I whole heartedly concur.

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...


: ) Whew!

lonevoice said...
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le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

Why would one publically apologize if they have done nothjing wrong?