Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mecca in Barry County

"Here's a potential topic. We have a new attempt starting about "economic development" (BCF, etc.). You could post the details from Bonnie.My spin is that Hastings could become a mecca for people of retirement age. Everybody else is trying to attract the yuppie crowd and the competition for their big bucks is fierce.If you read the cut-n-paste in last weekends Reminder, you know that the folks who benefit from misinformation are still trying to convince us old folks that we are about to slide down the slippery slope to death.In fact, most people over 65 are in great shape and are going to live longer than their parents without searching for a nursing home.Convincing people that they need a financial advisor to help accumulate the vast sums of money with which to retire is another myth perpetuated by insurance companies.I could go on and on and on, but start a post and I'll comment." Author El Grillo.

Cricket this is the best I can do. I will have to admit I am not any where near the knowledge level I should be on this topic. I will however enjoy learning what you may have to share. Please do!

PS Although I may not be highly educated in the mecca of Barry County, I do possess some computer skills, hence the ability for my eèëé s


Molli said...

Here is my stupid observation and blast it to sherds as it probably diserves. But isn't riding the baby boom retirement surge like riding the tech bubble and the real estate bubble. As part of a future portfolio any trend which is going to swell than burst should be avoided.

agnosticrat said...

I also wonder how many seniors, (Grillo the exception) are likely to relocate to Barry county? or anywhere north for that matter. I can see many wanting the warmer environs of Florida, or (ahem!) Cost Rica,...but Hastings is more likely a place to break a hip in December than one to lounge poolside recovering from timeshare over-investment.

Top three outcomes of this idea!

3) I have a hard enough time making it through town as it is. I don't need another blue hair hopped up on viagra, and stool softeners, flying through a red light at me!

2) Could our already limited economy possibly handle the AARP discount?

1) On the bright side Buffets, Buffets, Buffets!

el grillo said...

Of course, I understand the downside of having to deal with older people on limited incomes, but where do you get the impression that Hastings and Barry County are such a lure for the younger big spenders?

el grillo said...

If I understand you correctly, molli, you would invest your time, energy, and income on the status quo.
Wave from the shallow end.

I will be forgotten ashes before the coming Boomers have stopped retiring.

el grillo said...

O.K., so what is the keystroke(s)?

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

I was raised different then some in that I still believe in help thy neighbor. If people could give a helping (pay it forward)hand to the seniors, disabled etc we as a society would be better off. I get so irritatetd when I visit the vet and pay 2.oo for antibiotic for my pet, and go fill a prescription for my folks and I see $$$$$$. If seniors had a neighbor who helped mow yard, transportation, shared trash services etc... Barry County would be percieved as a "nice" place to reside in summer months. I could see the money saved from the helping hands (on both sides) being spent in other areas and boosting the economy. I do hope that Seniors like pizza parlors we have around 11 of them now?!?

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

Oh yea Cricket! There are two ways to perform the magically e e thing. One I have to keep secret, bu the other is through your keyboard setting. French Canadians use it, and so do some of the spanish. I have not used that program in a long time but I can see if I remember and let you know.

el grillo said...

Part of my penance in life is using Spanish keyboards in Costa Rica. They do stuff like automatic tildes, etc. I'm interested in the "secret"!

Regarding the "mecca" idea, I am only advocating that it be a focus for our "economic development" efforts, for now. Given the choice between luring seniors and luring yuppies, I think the rest of the communities in the State would allow us to become leaders of the one and spectators of the other.

Spending winters in the USA, for me, is not acceptable behavior. My prescriptions in Costa Rica are subsidized by overcharging seniors in the USA. Thanks. Dog medicine is almost free.

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

Costa Rica, as Canada both are what the US use to be, Costa Rica more so. Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica all have medications cheaper then the US. Are there more countries then that?

I went to buy some sulfodene for my dog. I searched high and low in two pharmacies. I was told twice sulfodene is a generic of silvadene, and needs a prescription. ok...... enter pet section, Sulfodene 3.97 no prescription. Why is this?

el grillo said...

Once again, the reason for many of the ills of this country are due to our dependence on government regulation as a substitute for personal responsibility.
I saw two recalls on the morning news for baby cribs that "may" allow a baby hippo to crash through the bars and get trapped in its cage. This is not a risk in most cultures, because they can't spend their money on baby confinement. Babies are held, and played with.
Animals in the USA are frequently substitutes for companions, since we fear other humans. Pets in Costa Rica are like farm animals, so you don't go to a pharmacy to buy medications for them (parasites are a bigger problem in tropical climates). You go to a "pet" store, which is usually owned by a veterinarian. People administer injections to their own animals. Some animals die (actually, all animals die).

What I am talking about is a different "culture", not a different geographic location. I go to Costa Rica in great measure to escape the culture of violence and fear in the USA. Warmth is a bonus. Cultural warmth is a reality!

This morning the early news was about a "neighbor" burning up in her home. The other "neighbors" threw stones at her windows to wake her up. Our culture wouldn't allow them to violate her privacy by entering her home without permission. 86% of the people in the world can't afford enough privacy to live alone in a two-story house. Since they live together, they learn to get along with each other.
It may be that the "culture" of Barry County and Hastings is too far removed from the caring culture required to make this a mecca for mature people.

I find it amusing to read the objections to "socialism" in a country that is so constipated by its own government that every behavior is covered by at least one regulation, and enforced by armed government employees."Tie the babies in their seats","Wear a football helmet to the store on your bicycle", etc."It's YOUR law!"

el grillo said...

There are actually five nations that have eliminated military spending from their budgets, thereby providing for education, social programs, healthcare and subsidized transportation, etc. I just happened to pick CR. The others are on the other side of the Atlantic.
I expect that the outcome of the EU will eventually expand this number as Europeans begin to realize the benefits of cooperation and begin to overcome the competition for power they have endured for hundreds of years. Shortly behind this evolution will come South and Central America, with Cuba at the forefront. Europe has just recently recognized the island of Cuba as no longer a communist "threat".

In short, you are witnessing an expanding world of opportunity for mature citizens to winter, or immigrate, to warm cultures that lack fear and violence. In those countries there are 86% of the people in the world who are currently elated to care for you for $1 a day, and your Social Security repayment checks alone make you a part of the richest people in the world.

You seem to already lack the fear of other languages that intimidates most gringos.

Molli said...

El grillo: Sorry for the delay. Like I said, twas a "stupid" observation made to entice some more explanation out so I can get the notion of the scheme. My specialty is definately not community development. I can see where making a community more elder friendly would also make the community more friendly in general. Are we talking about targeting the "healthy" boomer set though? Because that would roll down to absolutely everyone as a nice side effect.

el grillo said...

No observations are stupid, unless you were to include observations based on media spin. "Healthy" boomers are the norm, and don't yet qualify as a majority of retirees. I think of seniors more like myself.
If you look at what we have in our broad community that appeals to my elderly set, you will see Fridays at the Fountain, cheap theater tickets, PCCI, a new library, a new community center, a widely respected hospital, three police forces, hundreds of lakes, forests, parks, restaurants, shopping, nearly seamless wireless internet, lots of ambulances, a county fair, art hops, tree-lined streets with cheap housing, scenic drives, friendly services, and I'm just shooting from the hip.

Every overpaid economic developer is hiring out to attract other overpaid consultants to visit other undervisited meccas. They have been in the workforce long enough to have fancy cars and large lawns. They have created intense competition for very few actual tourist dollars. Higher roller coasters, wetter splashes, brighter lights, prettier girls, etc.

We could offer a linear trail from Kentwood to Vermontville, a float trip on the Thornapple, seminars and concerts, frequent public transportation, street vendors and craft fairs, and the word of mouth advertising wouldn't take long if the experience was worth sharing.

I remember when carloads of people would travel every week to Shipsewana, just for the fun of it. Hastings on the Thornapple and Barry County have as much to offer if properly orchestrated.

Molli said...

Actually, I think you are dead on about the health boomer phenomon. My parent's generation as they age, with the extra time and the impending sense of doom have woken up and are the active set. My generation these days though...Oh my golly we are a fat, lazy bunch.

el grillo said...

It is always dangerous to generalize about large groups of people, but we of the "Happy Days" crowd are much healthier than the media gives us credit for. Sure, we have members of our population that need enhancements to feel good about themselves, but we have the same problems in our grade schools (hopefully not cured by Viagra).

I noticed an ad in the Reminder this week for bidders to provide the services that the COA is getting paid for. Most people do not understand that the COA is merely a contractor for the Area Agency on Aging out of Battle Creek, and have to bid on their services every so often. Perhaps the YMCA would be interested. They could change their name to the OMCA.

The COA used to publish an annual report in the newspaper. I noticed that they had a seminar to teach old farts how to defend themselves against the blood-suckers that prey on the vulnerable in our society, but it didn't mention the biggest leaches in the swamp. New York City is considering doing away with their senior centers. Poor attendance. "...the impending sense of doom...."isn't much of a draw.

I see in the news that a few oil companies have been awarded no-bid contracts by "the sovereign nation" of Iraq. At $140 a barrel they should be able to regain what they spent to buy our government in the last election. They don't need to pump the oil up, they have enough suction to withdraw it.

el grillo said...

Here's a thought for July.

Suppose that Charlton Park had a campground where the motorhome crowd could summer while they volunteered to work in the park (while also paying rent).
Suppose that those that didn't have a camper could spend the summer in a "dormitory" where they would share meals and have some duties to perform in the fresh air and sunshine (gardens, orchards, livestock, etc.)
Suppose that these old codgers were willing to be mentors for younger people who lack civilized parents or support groups.
Suppose that programs were available for "ElderHostel" continuing education.
Suppose that the years of accumulated experience, skills, training, education, etc. were shared with others.
Would that be more attractive than a "barkalounge" finale?

el grillo said...

I read today that New Jersey has a program for juvenile offenders that has them working to restore some old diner cars. When they have finished them, the kids who are taking culinary arts classes back at "juvie hall" will take over and serve meals. Adults with expertise in both areas are helping with teaching and mentoring.
Doc Forsberg and I talked about that concept regarding Charlton Park, a few years back, but then he was full-time.
Wouldn't it be nice to visit a diner at Charlton Park? I mean one that actually served food and drinks, not just sat there on display.
Removing kids from abusive environments might give them a chance for productive new lives. Having a caring father (or grandfather) figure might make a big difference. We old farts have the time and patience for that kind of volunteerism.

el grillo said...

I wouldn't mind helping with the construction management of building a dormitory or two, next summer. I'm pretty good at that stuff and I'm not afraid to take a bus out there.

el grillo said...

Kerala, India, attracts 8.5 MILLION tourists each year, without a Father's Day Car Show.

el grillo said...

Cancel the "mecca" idea. Any mature person will avoid Hastings and Barry County in the future.

When AARP reports Barry County, Michigan, as the scariest place in violence-prone USA to visit, and they associate Michigan with the infamous "Milita" (well-maintained or otherwise) we will have this forsaken place to ourselves.

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

Agree. Militia has been in this county for years, as are two gangs, and a few other "quiet" things.