Friday, June 20, 2008


What exactly is politics? I remember the subject being taught in school, perhaps as history or social studies. The politics I encounter after getting my voter registration card is no where close to what I was taught. For example, "every vote counts", but seriously does it? We have super delegates who decide who runs. Then in actuality if they wanted to they could decide against the populous vote. How is that making my vote count? Or what about party affiliation? Is he/she a Republican or Democrat? Do we really have "Republican" and "Democrat"? I think they intertwined, in their beliefs and their politics. What this country was founded on is no longer true. It has been stretched and distorted to fit the politicians and governments needs. We have lobbyist, who essentially buy votes, and Politicians who are power hungry. I just do not understand the separation of the government? Are they not there for us? How about the distance between "we the people" and the "politicians". I can bet none of them are single parent families holding two jobs trying to make ends meet people. How can they represent what they do not experience? I see legislatures take weeks upon weeks off a year. Is that what the majority of citizens have? We pay for them to have health care, it is a pretty damn nice package, but what does the majority of Americans have for health care? I see them taking trips for....well who knows what, but I know they cost a great deal. Then I look at people in need, and where is the "neighbors" or money to help? When a disaster hits overseas we are there in a day, and here its is sometimes days getting help within our own nation. Our nation is foul, our society is broken. So to fix it what do they do? The government will create some outlandish laws that take years for them to "perfect". Then attorneys will spend years twist the laws making money off it so that the politicians can spend more time reforming the law. Where is the accountability? Society is so busy in their own lives that the ones we have left our country to are destroying it. The only way for me to learn this rather complex system is to attend tons of meetings and ask even more questions and hope I get an accurate answer. We live in a small town atmosphere, and have access to larger city news. However, how many times do you see listings of "how to Politics" Is there a book out there, Politics for dummies? We might be free but we are totally out of touch with how the United States of America is run, and in actuality our votes do not make a difference.


agnosticrat said...


Admittedly the system we have can be quite confusing, and I myself can get caught up in the more vehement of rhetoric, but it is not time to play dead, and claim that all politicians are out to game the system.
You have the right attitude by paying close attention to meetings, and such. But if you watch meetings with the intent of learning something, you may be susceptible to being overwhelmed by talking points, and grow downright cynical.
Step back for a moment and realize that your goals for the government may not meet mine, or that of my neighbors, who I already know I disagree with. Now multiply your own wants by 209,279,149 (the number of Americans of voting age as of 2000 census) and then you may begin to realize just how varying the opinions may be. Even at the local level the numbers are still large enough to challenge anyone that is looking for a consensus of opinion.

Now, stop thinking about what I just said!

Don't study politics. It is constantly changing, and you will go mad trying to figure it out, if you haven't already done so. (I point to the phrase "in actuality our votes do not make a difference " as possible evidence).
Study instead, whatever subject is the topic of the day.
Drilling oil?, Water rights? Gay marriage? Doesn't matter.
If you have the will to explore all of the different facets of any given subject you will be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Politicians love chaff!

I suggest reading opinions that both agree with what you may think is correct, and that which does not. By all means, read more of the stuff that does not, as they have more work to do in convincing you. Use the internet tools at hand. Did you know that there are very comprehensive studies out there on any subject you wish?

Google is your friend.

I agree that there is a lot of disinformation out there as well, but if you pay attention, and read many different sites, you will figure out the more reliable venues. Talking points are not information. If the particular site is reliable they will have external links to studies to back up their opinions. Read as much as you can in a hour, or more, if you find the subject interesting enough. Some may say that an hour of study on any subject, may just give you enough knowledge to be dangerous, as you couldn't possibly know all there is to know. It is a lie.

Keep it in mind, because this is where politics comes back in!

Think again of the number of differing opinions as I mentioned before. Now realize how many of those opinions have been reached by paying attention to talking points, rather than the information you have just garnered by doing a little research.
This is why many politicians get away with what they do. Because people don't care enough to check up on their talking points.


I have been bombarded with the message that government is too big, or fat, or slow, or dumb, or costly...etc, since before I was of voting age. It was not until I started paying attention, that I realized that "we the people" are the government. Those other guys are just sent to Washington in order to do what we tell them, and if we don't know what that is, they will just make stuff up!

OverWhelmed said...

great post agnos

can't really think of anything to say...

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

SO how "we the people" get correct accurate accounting of what we want, as a majority, and what is actually being done? I think the mass confusion on the whole causes people to back off and just let it go.

el grillo said...

I grew up in a different generation. We were taught that the majority rules, but it wasn't very well explained, since we were in the majority, and we ruled.

I find myself now in a position of having to actually think. During the transition, in the '60s, we complained about "apathy". That is, those of us who thought about it. The majority was silent. The race card made that a bad thing to say, but in fact the majorities of all races have continued to be apathetic and silent.

You are looking at the final score as a spectator on TV would. Each play is critical, and every player performs or fails to perform regardless of the final numbers. Your job in a "democracy" is to express your opinion after reasonable research, which is what you are doing. You must be prepared to be on the losing team, sometimes. Remember that playing well is most important.

There are two parts to public office. Doing a good job, or "governing", is the second part. You don't get to do a good job unless you get elected. That is "Politics". Don't confuse the two. Getting elected in a democracy is about being more popular than your opponent, by definition. Doing a good job is not a good way to become popular. Oprah would win any election in a heartbeat. Ask yourself what it is that makes Oprah so popular and you will have defined "politics". Unfortunately, the answer will also reveal the popularity of gangsta rappers, as well.

When people "back off and just let it go" it is the same as a "forfeit". Only a fistfight in a hallway would bring more shame to a community than a game lost by forfeit. Democrats in Barry County should be ashamed.

The sadness comes when we realize that the current generation of voters has been taught that there is no shame in a forfeit. What losers we have become.

Considering how easy it is to vote absentee, not voting is grounds for public flogging.

Keep up the questioning.

agnosticrat said...

"You are looking at the final score as a spectator on TV would. Each play is critical, and every player performs or fails to perform regardless of the final numbers. Your job in a "democracy" is to express your opinion after reasonable research, which is what you are doing. You must be prepared to be on the losing team, sometimes. Remember that playing well is most important."

I love that!
Can I use it?

On the other hand the phrase "..not voting is grounds for public flogging" makes me a little tense. I for one have always advocated a more holistic approach to what you have referred to as voter apathy. Probably because I see the glimmer of want from someone that would claim that "mass confusion on the whole" causes people to give up.
While I do think the thesis that everyone that avoids going to the polls, is just so massively confused, that they find it impossible to go through with, improbable. I also find that it may be to some extent true for some. Let's just say that shame is a weapon that must be used surgically, rather than as a cure all. This being the case, I hope you agree that public beating would likely cause more despair for those of more tender faculties.

The others of course, should be put on stage in Times Square, and whipped (ahem!) as you said! ;)

lonevoice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
el grillo said...

Sorry, and filled with remorse. My medieval reference was inappropriate and does not reflect my frequent rants.

Those who find voting and/or expressing their personal opinions too difficult should be placed on probation and should be dealt a rigid regimen of rehabilitative exercises, such as performing live, singing Spanish karaoke, standing on a soapbox at Summerfest, etc.

There should be an organization for Apathetics Anonymous, with a 12-step program of correction.

Those who miss a meeting shall be flogged.

agnosticrat said...

As long as we are here, and discussing the subject of apathy...
(Sorry if I may be hijacking your thread Bebe)

I wonder if what has been said before about, "the mass confusion causing people to back off and just let it go." really does not have some standing?
The blame for low voter turnout thus far (here) has been blamed on lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. Grillo, eludes to apathy, while reminiscing about his activist youth with the phrase:
"but in fact the majorities of all races have continued to be apathetic and silent".
This may in fact be the case overall, but what I alluded to in my brazen flippancy is a very real lack of information through traditional means. What is out there seems to be either twisted in one way or the other politically. If it is not slanted left, or right, it seems to be swallowed up in the pickle barrel of back pages of news papers, or slipped in statistics in any given newscast on television. With the advent of 24 hour news (what is it.. 20 some years later since CNN started?) it has become even harder to differentiate the news from speculation. Battling talking head shows, and cult like sycophants trying to the nightly ratings can surely screw up someone with a real case of the "I gotta do somethings". Let's face it after an hour of Dobbs anyone could lose their pride in America, and may never want to leave the sanctuary of their own homes.
The symptoms may well be apathy, fear, or hate. But the sickness is a sort of (shall I coin a phrase) neo-politics. A brand of politics that has been concentrated into as strong a mixture that could ever be developed. All of this in hopes of winning over a following of people that may very well have had enough and want to....turn it all off.

OverWhelmed said...

I am deeply dissapointed in the RINO's who showed up at the DEM debate tonight...

I can't type anymore I am too upset

el grillo said...

A much younger political mentor reminded me that "winning" the popularity contest requires a focus shift from what is seen as the good for all the people, must take a back seat to what appeals to those who will actually show up to vote.
In his words:"If you don't vote, you don't count"!

ipso facto, OW's disgust with the RINO turnout is misdirected. They showed up for work.

Who are the people who will vote? That is the only important political question. After that, you selectively pass out trinkets.

Whining about the other folks getting trinkets merely "turns off" the flow of trinkets to yourself.

What are "trinkets"? Watch one evening of TV and you will witness what the professionals have decided that the people are attracted to. Re-read "1984" and study the fare being offered the public.

OverWhelmed said...

Mark E. did the RIGHT thing by continuing to DO HIS JOB as a county commissioner last night and not to shirk his duties or his PARTY by going to the Dem's debate.

Those who showed up showed how much they value to local party and why they should NOT be elected.

Oh and TS just cause YOU scripted the information at your COUP of the Rep party does not mean we would stoop to your level and script any debate...ask the candidates they did not have any knowledge of the questions untill they were asked.

Molli said...

I have to agree with Overwhelmed here about Mark E. attending the commissioners meeting. I didn't know about the conflict until 5pm that day and I assumed there was no way he was going to do both (but somehow Hoot Gibson popped in as soon as he could). My question now is, who dropped the ball, because I think the other candidates would have been willing to reschedule. We're adults, we could have even started at 5pm or 9pm and still hit our spousal curfews.

el grillo said...


el grillo said...

If I comment too often, let me know.

A perfect example of "politics" is called "spin". It trys to shift our perspective.

The political spin in the "news" recently is an attempt to cover up the no-bid contracts for short-term oil profits in Iraq. The first report was a PR disaster for GWBII and GWBIII. It identified Exxon Mobil, Total, BP, Shell and Chevron as the recipients of the increased oil pumping from the Iraq oil fields. The entire world reaction was "Ahaa! Just as we thought! The "war against terror is an oil grab by the evil GWBII empire"!
Consequently, the unbiased Iraqi Oil Minister issued a press release about how bidding will be open to 35 oil companies (including Russian and Chinese who missed out on the earlier grab) for the less profitable LONG TERM contracts. That put the no-bid awards down on page 12.
Sub-interns of the State Department were then recruited to mention the early position of GWBII that the war on terror in Iraq would be paid for with their oil.
What seems to be missing is the "whole truth" that would probably mention that the grandchildren of the taxpayers grandchildren are paying for the war, and that the oil profits will go to the people who own stock in the above five oil companies (many of whom are not even citizens of the USA, which means that the dollars go from your pocket to the billfolds of some of the folks who benefit from terrorism. I hope that you don't think that the drug lords of Afghanistan are keeping the profits from the poppy fields under their mattresses. Ever wonder why we don't bomb or spray the south end of Aghanistan? Perhaps it would harm the environment).

Politics quite often is "swearing to tell the truth, the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help yourself".

el grillo said...

intellectual property rights relinquished. Thanks for asking.

If a closet-Democrat running for office as a Republican is a RINO, what do you call a Democrat who doesn't run for office at all because "You can't win in Barry County as a Democrat"?

OverWhelmed said...

I think they would be called Crickets

BTW Dems who don't support the dem party are called DINO's

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

EL G I rather enjoy reading your views. Continue.

Molli said...

El Grillo, you are depressing me. As I recall, Granholm did surprisingly well in Barry County, I'm sure some dem can pull a rabbit out of a hat.

el grillo said...

My memory fails me. Was that Granholm person running for County Commissioner, Prosecutor, Sheriff, Drain Commissioner, County Clerk, Register of Deeds, Township Clerk, Trustee, DogCatcher, or what?

The only Granholm I can remember was a very bright lady who was running for some office at the State level where the Democrat Party raises millions of dollars to support an expensive campaign. As you mentioned, the "local" Dems unraveled their own paranoia by supporting that lady and proving that a Democrat can indeed run an honorable campaign in Barry County. She didn't need to be guaranteed a "win" in order to have the courage to run for the office.

As you are surely aware, the Democrats that should be ashamed of themselves for not showing up for work are the ones at the "local" level where you have to pay for your own yard signs, write your own news, and buy your own lunch.

Thank you, beb'e, This is a refreshing blog and I hope it gains popularity with people who want to discuss the many issues that need attention in our beautiful county.

It would be far too early to discuss the issue of teaching non-violence in our schools, or pondering at why both candidates for Prosecutor are pandering to gun nuts, but you may find "The Seville Statement on Violence" an interesting thing to Google and read in its entirety. It is quite short and clear.

Are you there, Maude?

el grillo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
lonevoice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
el grillo said...

Collecting more tax money from cell phones might have given us a chance to spend some of that excess millage on fixing up the county-owned rail trail behind the 911 Central Dispatch farmland.

Just think, perhaps Barry County could get back on the list of places that are fun to visit.

el grillo said...

Is it time to start asking how we are doing with getting some grant money to envigorate Charlton Park, or are we waiting for a full-time professional to jump out of the box on his/her own and rescue us from business as usual?

I noticed that the Banner sees the Fathers Day "huge" crowd of 3500 as a big increase over what used to attract 10,000.

lonevoice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
el grillo said...



el grillo said...

I voted for Brian Reynolds for County Surveyor this morning. It was a tough call, along with my vote for Don Nevins.

When I read Brian's letter in the Hastings Banter, I thought I might just look up the scanty minutes of the County Board on the County website to see if the accusations of Hoot being an empty suit were not without substance. It didn't take much energy to see that Hoot has been either making motions or seconding them pretty regularly.

What was more interesting to me was the number of committees that didn't even have anything to report. That seems especially true of County Planning & Development. I suppose that lacking any intentions to plan or develop this should be expected.

Most people think that minutes of County Board meetings are kept the same way they were kept for meetings of their high school class, with additions and corrections at the next meeting to maintain an accurate and complete historical record. In fact, Michigan law is very clear that the County Clerk can include or exclude anything she/he wants to, which explains why you will learn almost nothing by going on the website. The problem is even worse with committee meetings, where it is rare to even keep notes. Since the Hastings Banter can't afford to send an intern to report on decisions being made at the committee level, the committee meetings are a bit like closed sessions. You are free to assume that nothing was decided and that explains the lack of reporting to the general public.

You may be just the customer I've been looking for. What with global warming, I'm soliciting funds to purchase large tracts of land along the shoreline of Hudsons Bay, the next resort area for summer fun in the sun.

Cash, please, no credit cards.

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

Aer you serious the County Clerk can alter minutes? I just added some information on the Clerk Section of this blog. I found it interesting.

Molli said...

The audio stream is much more useful, but takes so much more time out of your day.

el grillo said...

Too high-tech for my computer.

The clerk cannot invent things, but what is left out would fill a large book. As I frequently promise:
"to tell the truth, the truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us all".

I hope that you will start a new post after Thursday's parade.

el grillo said...

Did you catch the "Whack-job" parade?
What a hoot!

le bébé d'oiseau-mouche said...

I watched the news regarding it. I will create a posting this weekend. I have been as of late. The ccw (cpl) and open carry are very confusing.

el grillo said...

Actually pretty simple, but there is always more to the "whole" truth.

From a legal point of view, "Open Carry" means that the Lone Ranger AND Tonto can ride into town wearing a firearm OUTSIDE their pants where it can be seen.

From a "legal" point of view, only the Lone Ranger can get a CCW permit to hide his handgun under his blouse. Tonto can't because he is not a white male (Just kidding. It has changed and even women can tuck a weapon inside their underwear with a CCW permit, although I don't know why they would want to since they rarely have manhood issues).

From the perspective of evolution, the "legal" right and good judgement are totally different. Strutting around with your substitute manhood strapped to your pants, on the outside, seems to send a message of fantasy from failing to outgrow playing "Cops-n-Robbers".

Fortunately, this disability only affects a small number of people.

OverWhelmed said...

El G and Bebe,
We are not whack jobs. We are law abiding people concerned that the government will take away more rights.

Besides the real whack job was theone riding the bike to catch up with the walkers in camo and 'make love not war' t-shirt...LOLOL